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Wang Yi: China Stays Committed to Five "Always" When Advancing the Human  Rights Cause

On  May 23, 2022, State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi met with visiting  United Nations (UN) High Commissioner for Human Rights Michelle Bachelet in  Guangzhou.

Wang  Yi stressed, President Xi Jinping has pointed out that the goal of all our   efforts is to meet the people's aspiration for a better life. China stays  committed to five "always" when advancing the human rights cause.

First,  China has always given top priority to ensuring the right to subsistence.  China not only feeds one-fifth of the world's population on less than 9  percent of the world's land, but also has built the world's largest social  security system and healthcare system. Since the onset of the COVID-19  pandemic, acting on the philosophy of putting people and their lives front  and center, China has protected people's safety and health to the maximum  extent.

Second,  China has always put enhancing the right to development high on its agenda.  China has historically solved the problem of absolute poverty and achieved the poverty reduction goal of the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development ten years ahead of schedule. More than 1.4 billion Chinese people as a whole have entered a moderately prosperous society in all respects, which is of milestone significance. We have embarked on the new journey to accomplish the Second Centenary Goal, marching toward common prosperity without leaving anyone behind along the course of development.

Third, China has always made the protection of citizens' legitimate rights and  interests its basic task. China is the only major country in the world that has continuously formulated and implemented four National Human Rights Action Plans. China has been developing the whole-process people's democracy, which integrates process-oriented democracy with results-oriented democracy, procedural democracy with substantive democracy, direct democracy with indirect   democracy, and electoral democracy with consultative democracy.

Fourth, China has always made safeguarding the ethnic minorities' rights an important part of its work. We help ethnic minority areas achieve common development and prosperity by means of support from the central government and pairing assistance. We protect the rights of all ethnic groups to manage state  affairs on an equal footing in accordance with the law.

Fifth, China has always made protecting people's safety its long-term goal. China is committed to building a "Safe China", and the public sense of security has exceeded 98 percent in recent years. According to the survey report on law and security order released by international authoritative   polling agencies last year, China ranked among the top in the world.

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